Drunken Onions – September onion harvest

Drunken Onions – September onion harvest

When you grow your own vegetables, you begin to understand the seasonal order of produce.  In my farming experience, September is a great time to harvest onions, leeks, and peppers.   I love red onions.  I love them in salad, on sandwiches, and in just 

August Remembered – Taqueria Carrots

August Remembered – Taqueria Carrots

When visiting southern California, I love the pickled vegetables that are served alongside the chips and salsa in Mexican restaurants.  Nice crunch, with a spicy bite.  I hope you have had the chance to sample these veggies during your culinary adventures.  If not, make them 

A visit to ‘our’ Farm

A visit to ‘our’ Farm

When I met Patrick just after arriving at college,  I never would have imagined we would have so many common interests after nearly 30-years together.  It turns out that we both come from a long lineage of farmers on our maternal side.  Looks like we